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2021年02月28日 21:45  点击:

报告题目:Learning Control: Ideas and Problems in Adaptive Fuzzy Control

报告人:Shun-Feng Su教授



报告地点:腾讯会议ID:177 889 343

报告简介:Intelligent controlis a promising way of control design in recent decades. Intelligent control design usually needs some knowledge of the system considered. However, such knowledge usually may not be available. Learning becomes an important mechanism for acquiring such knowledge. Learning control seems a good idea for control design for unknown or uncertain systems. To learn controllers is always a good idea, but somehow like a dream. It is because learning is to learn from something. But when there is no good controller, where to learn from? Nevertheless, there still exist approaches, such as adaptive fuzzy control, that can facilitate such an idea. It is called performance based learning (reinforcement learning and Lyapunov stability). This talk is to discuss fundamental ideas and problems in one learning controller -- adaptive fuzzy control. Some deficits of such an approach are discussed. The idea is simple and can be extended to various learning mechanisms. In fact, such an idea can also be employed in various learning control schemes. If you want to use such kind of approaches, those issues must be considered in your study.


Shun-Feng Sureceived Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering, in 1991 from Purdue University, Taiwan. He is now a Chair Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Taiwan University of Science and Technology. He is an IEEE Fellow, CACS fellow and RST fellow.He has published more than 300 refereed journal and conference papers in the areas of robotics, intelligent control, fuzzy systems, neural networks, and non-derivative optimization.His current research interests include computational intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality, intelligent transportation systems, smart home, robotics, and intelligent control.

Dr. Su is very active in various international/domestic professional societies. He now is the IEEE SMC society Distinguished Lecturer Program chair and a member of board of government in the same society. He also serves as a board member of various academic societies. Dr. Su also acted as General Chair, Program Chair, or various positions for many international and domestic conferences. Dr. Su currently serves as Associate editors of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,IEEE/CAA Journal Automatica Sincaand IEEE Access, the executive editor of theJournal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,and the area editor ofInternational Journal of Fuzzy Systems.



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