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565net必赢最新版网页博士中期答辩(Wasif Shabbir)

2022年01月17日 15:46  点击:

一、中期答辩题目:Diagnosis and accommodation of faults in aircraft sensors and actuators

二、中期答辩人:Wasif Shabbir


四、中期答辩地点: 腾讯会议:593-306-294


For autonomous systems, real time fault detection in components is vital to avoid potential loss of life and property. Moreover, control actions to quickly mitigate the effects of faults must be ensured. In this work, we have concentrated on the development of single unified framework for real time fault detection, isolation, and estimation. The fault signals provide good real time fault estimates to be used in fault tolerant control. To avoid the problems associated with control reconfiguration, active control strategies are developed using sliding mode control such that the same controller works in both faulty and fault free conditions. We have addressed the issues such as time delay and overshoots in fault estimation using novel methods to train the neural networks used in the fault estimations scheme. The developed methods are successfully applied to aircraft sensors and actuators fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control.


Wasif Shabbir, born in 1979, received his master degree in Physics from University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan in 2003 and MS degree in Aircraft Design from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China in 2015. He is currently a PhD candidate in Control Science and Engineering at School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an. His research interests include fault diagnosis, fault tolerant control, neural network based intelligent control and sliding mode control.

上一条:565net必赢最新版网页博士中期答辩(段镖) 下一条:关于2022年(第一批)国家留学基金委-赴莫斯科国立鲍曼技术大学、萨马拉大学公派项目拟选派名单的公示

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